Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pileated Woodpecker

A fun little multi-media piece. . .watercolor with pen and ink and a bit of calligraphy (still playing with fonts).  I have not seen our pileated woodpecker at the feeder for awhile, I wonder where he has gone.

                                             Watercolor pen & ink

Friday, October 23, 2015

Inktober - More Sunset

Noodler's Apache Sunset in a pilot parallel pen. . .flourishes with Jinhao 159 (Goulet medium nib).

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Inktober - Lost in Love

Noodler's Apache Sunset is an extremely high shading ink.  And the pilot parallel pen 6 mm pen is a the perfect pen to showcase its potential.  The flourishes were done with a modified Jinha0 pent with a Goulet #6 nib.  I was just goofing around, but I really like the gothic-esque lettering.  Wish I could easily crop out the scribbles up top.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Inktobober - yama-budo

Inktober entry and a day off!!!  Below is using the Pilot Custom Heritage 912 with a Spencerian modification. It took a bit to get used to the softness of the nib, but now I feel I can consistently produced thick and thin lines.

And here are some doodles with a glass brush and a dip pen (blue pumpkin nib).  Just randomness.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lopsided Sunflower

Sitting at breakfast I noticed out of all the single sunflowers adorning the tables at Perry's, only mine was lopsided.  But I thought, hey, it is a little beat up and missing some petals on the left side, but it has the most character. . .which was apropos. It demanded to be painted.  And so I did.

                               watercolor pen & ink on paper 5.5X8.5 

Monday, October 05, 2015

Inktober Part One

So, there is this thing called Inktober that I found out about last year. . .in November. And I was like, "What?!? How did I not know about this?" But this year, I am ready, sort of. Below are some quick sketches using two different Pilot Iroshizuku inks: yama-budo (burgundy/pink) and ina-ho (brown/gold) drawn with a glass brush.  Lettering with a blue pumpkin nib.

Friday, October 02, 2015

It was a dark and stormy tree

It is a cold, blustery and crappy day today as we wait for Joaquin.  Perfect for my mood.  I have not painted in a while and this was done without photo reference, visual reference or under drawing.  I just. . .painted.  

The sky, a mix of deep apatite blue and french ultramarine, and the deep dark greens, providing a contrast to the tree, reflects the puissance of the weather.

                                      Watercolor on 200lbs paper 14x10